NURSE FORM must be completed by a parent/guardian every school year. Click HERE to download the NURSE FORM
Student Health
Prescription Medications
Parents/guardians are encouraged to give medications at home whenever possible. If it is necessary for a student to take medication at school, the following procedures should be followed:
The parent/guardian must transport prescription & over-the-counter medicines to the health clinic of the school.
• Prescription medications must be in the original prescription bottle, clearly labeled with the student’s name, physician’s name and contact information, medication name and strength, amount given per dose, route and time of administration, dispensing pharmacy. Over-the-counter medications must be in the unopened original container. The school staff will have the right to refuse to give medication that is questionable or expired. Narcotic and/or other prescription pain medications (e.g. Tylenol with codeine, hydrocodone, etc.) will not be administered at school.
• Any student possessing prescription or over-the-counter medication not in accordance with these guidelines will be considered in violation of the School District’s Code of Conduct and shall be subject to the discipline set forth in the code of conduct and/or the student handbook.
• The parent/guardian must complete an Authorization to Give Medication at School form in order for school staff to administer medication.
• The parent/guardian is responsible for notifying the school of any changes in the administration of medications.
• If these procedures are not followed, medication may not be dispensed at school.
• Unused medication will be disposed of unless picked up by a parent/guardian before 11:00 am on the last day of the school year.Only one medication listed per nurse form.
Students diagnosed with asthma and require the use of asthma medication must have a Child Care Asthma/Allergy Action Card completed by parent/guardian & physician. A Self-Administration of Asthma Medication at School form must be signed by parent/guardian & student before students are allowed to carry & self-administer asthma medication at school.
Students diagnosed with an allergy that requires medication must have a Child Care Asthma/Allergy Action Card completed by parent/guardian & physician. If a student has an allergy that requires the use of an EpiPen, etc., then parents must provide an EpiPen, etc., with proper pharmacy label to be kept in the school clinic. In order for a student to carry & self-administer EpiPen, etc., then parent/guardian & physician must complete a Self-Administration of EpiPen, EpiPenJr. or Twinject Medication at School form.
A student diagnosed with diabetes must have the following forms complete prior to any medication being administered at school:
Diabetes Medical Managment Plan (DMMP)
Diabetic Care Written Authorization for Self Care
These forms must be completed EVERY SCHOOL YEAR by the parent/guardian & physician.
Any student diagnosed with a seizure disorder must have parent/guardian & physician complete a Seizure Action Plan form.
Gastrostomy Feeding
A student with a Gastrostomy appliance must have the following form completed by a parent/guardian & physician annually.
Student Illness/Injury
The main reasons for keeping your child home are he/she’s too sick to participate comfortably at school or might spread a contagious disease to other students.
If your child has been diagnosed with a contagious disease, please contact the school nurse so other students’ parents and school staff may be alerted of the symptoms. A doctor's note is required before a student is readmitted when there is a contagious disease/infection involved.
Students should stay home from school if there is:
• Fever > or equal to 100.0°F (must be fever-free 24 hours without medication before returning to school.)
• Vomiting more than once
• Diarrhea
• Frequent cough
• Persistent pain (ear, stomach, etc.)
• Widespread rash
• Head lice, until treated
• Chicken pox, until lesions have scabbed (usually 5-7 days)
• Impetigo, Ringworm, or Scabies until under treatment and lesions covered
• Bacterial Pink Eye (thick eye drainage and redness of the whites of the eyes) until under treatment
• Open Wound
• Drainage (ears, wound, etc.)
Any student found to have nits or live head lice will be sent home for removal of nits &/or head lice. Prior to returning to school, treatment must be completed and the student must be accompanied by the parent/guardian when returning to school for a follow-up head check.All students must be cleared by the School Nurse, or other designated person, and found to be free of all nits &/or live head lice prior to being allowed to ride the school bus or return to classes.
Nurse Form
Before any Over-The- Counter medication can be given at school, a parent/guardian must complete a Nuese Form giving consent for the student to take Over-The-Counter medications while at school.
To find medical documents required, click below.