EARLY DISMISSAL on Wed, MAR 19 HS & MS at 12pm, Elementary at 1pm
News Resolution to participate in HB 581: statewide floating homestead tax exemption. March 13, 2025
Chattahoochee County Board of Education Board Meeting. April 8, 2025. ChattCo Middle High School Cafeteria 6:30 pm. Open to all ChattCo families & our community stakeholders.
Plan Ahead for next school year! 25-26 School Calendar has been board approved and posted on our website. https://tinyurl.com/ChattCo2526Calendar
ChattCo We are Hiring New 25-26 Jobs & Current Openings https://www.applitrack.com/chattco/onlineapp/
Important Message from ChattCo Schools
2024 CCRPI Academic Scores From GaDOE
CCHS recognized by GaDOE as a Math Leader School for growth in Math proficiency. Congratulations Panthers!
Return Green Survey Form by NOV 8
A message to our Panther Families  Student Safety is our #1 Priority
ChattCo 24-25 BUS ROUTES are now available at www.chattco.org. Click on the BUS ROUTES link at the top of the page! Some routes have changed.
Welcome Back to School Aug 8 HS grades 9-12 7:25-2:15pm  MS Grades 6-8 7:35pm-2:25pm  Elementary PreK-5  8:30am-3:30pm
24-25 Supply List
CCHS Open House Grades 9-12 Tues Aug 6 from 5-7pm Use Gym Entrance
CCHS Grades 9-12 Back to School Aug 8 7:25am to 2:15pm
Students wishing to attend Virtual Learning for the 24-25 school year must complete the google application by June 30.  https://tinyurl.com/VirtualSchool24-25CCHS
Thank you voters for continuing Esplost Tax. We appreciate You
Are you moving or withdrawing? Families that are not planning to return to ChattCo should stop by the school Main Office and complete a withdrawal form no later than 5/17/24. Failure to submit a withdrawal form can delay records being transferred to your new location.  Are you returning? Returning students will receive info in July with steps to update their registration for the 24-25 school year via PowerSchool. Returning students should NOT complete the -Pre-Registration form. Students who do not withdraw will automatically be re-enrolled. Withdrawal forms are available at any of the school main offices. A copy of the parent’s valid ID and military orders (if applicable) are required. Email Mrs. Gardner if you have additional questions: cgardner@chattco.org.
Chattco Central Registration Open Enrollment begins 5/1/24 All new students must pre-register online Pre Register Here www.chattco.org/page/enrollment-and-registration
Budget Input Survey 24-25 SY Budge https://tinyurl.com/InputSurvey2425 Please take a few minutes to provide input into the Budget planning process forthe 24-25 school year.